Crypto Battle Fun ⚔️😜

A fast and casual game that uses the SolanaFM APIs: accounts, transactions, domains, and subdomains. Made for the Encode x Solana Hackathon sponsored by the Solana Foundation.

Live Demo and source code repository

Crypto Battle Fun

Are you ready for a battle against any account hash? No need to connect any wallet.

  • Fast, open and free: lightning fast Solana onchain data. Open and free forever.
  • Surfacing the signal: profiling transactions, domains, and subdomains.
  • Discovering opportunities in a friendly way: performing due diligence while having fun in the Solana ecosystem.


  • Enter an account hash for each player and submit. Each player is an instance and it will get the points count for each instance. The points are the sum of the number of transactions, domains, subdomains and favourite domains.
  • Click the Battle button and
  • Check the results: the winner and the loser or just a tie. The winner is the player with more points.

SolanaFM APIs

The SolanaFM APIs are free of charge but usages are gated by a rate-limiting middleware. Increasing the rate limits was done by generating an API key to authenticate each request.

These are the SolanaFM APIs endpoints used:

  • Get a Specific Account
  • Get Transactions of an Account
  • Get Domain/Subdomains Owned by an Account
  • Get User Favourite Domains
  • Get Account Subdomains

Tech Stack

This project uses React, SolanaFM APIs, React Router v6, Tailwind CSS, React Query and Vite.